Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mothers Day with much sympathy

I just spent the evening with my son Justin and his fiance Stacy. She cooked dinner and is an awesome cook, so when she said she was making chicken and dumplings, i quickly agreed to go over. While i was there she gave me several gifts for Mothers day and my son gave me a card that he signed in green crayon,lol, which makes me love it all the more considering he is almost 26 years old. Im lucky i get one every year because he wouldnt remember if it wasnt for Stacy . I started laughing while at their house because every year Mothers day makes me remember my favorite card he gave me when he was about 18. He went on his own and bought it which suprised me becuase he is a typical man and doesnt remember that stuff so , when he gave me the card i was suprised and proud that he remembered Mothers day. When i opened the card, it was a Sympathy card that he signed , HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, LOVE JUSTIN. I asked him why he bough a Sympathy card and he shrugged and said, ITS ALL THEY HAD, lol, I love it and its my favorite card. So funny that he gave me that card like he was sorry i had to be his mother,lol.

Dia De Madre and Tortilla Gringa

I spent the weekend with my Hispanic familia and since the church was having a Mothers day celebration, i helped with some of the preparations. Albertos nephew Jerry came over with his wife and baby son Brandon and the men prepared the food for the church dinner. I tried to help with the tortilla making since so many had to be made but i think all i succeded in doing was making them laugh. They use a tortilla press but when i tried to show them how i had learned when living in Texas years ago , i was a sad failure,lol. I learned from a friends mother who made the mix herself and so using my hands to pat out the tortillas, i learned that Maseca is not the same consistency as homemade dough, so i ended up making dough fly everywhere and in making the boys laugh hysterically at the gringas attempts. I named the tortillas i made Tortilla Gringa. When i tried to use the press, i made them too thin and tore them removing them form the plastic, but after some attempts, i started getting better at it and less entertaining for the boys. At church sunday morning , Alberto and his nephews sang a Guatemalan song about mothers and they were very good !! Most church members are from Guatemala, a few from Mexico and one lady is from Honduras. Hardly anyone spoke to me from shyness im hoping, but the lady pictured in the black top is Esmerelda and she was very gracious to me and i liked her immediately. I snuck in this picture while the church photographer had the ladies pose. After, they were given beautiful red roses and all the men served the women and cleaned up afterwards!!! The food was delicious but my favorite was Albertos rice. Im huge rice fan and it was so good, i proposed to Alberto but i think he failed to take me seriously,lol. One thing i have to add, is that after the sermon, which was in Spanish with English translations for my benefit, i realized i have never seen a more meaningful and heartfelt dedication to mothers . I was pleasantly suprised to see that i was able to follow along with most of the sermon even though my Spanish is not so good. All in all, it was a good weekend. Sorry about the bunched up pictures, ill have to learn how to seperate them . Hope EVERYONE HAD A GOOD WEEKEND!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Sad for La Gringa

One of my favorite bloggers, LaGringa was robbed in LaCieba Honduras and was at home alone at the time. I just want her to know how sorry i and all of her faithful followers are and we miss her daily posts. She has carefully crafted a life with her husband El Jeffe there and writes of the love/ hate relationship she has with the people and the country. She tells the tale straight and true while letting readers know the good side of living there. Hope she is back soon, she is missed.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Furminator

I have to tell you all about the other thing that happened today that suprised me. My cat Alex is a Maine Coon , which is a very large breed of cat and they have tons of long hair that comes out all over the house like soft tufts of cotton, in enormous amounts. While at the vet office i saw a pet brush and asked my vet about it and after a demo, i bought it for 35 dollars and is it well worth it. The Furminator gets out so much hair i had enough to make another cat, and Alex loved the petting and attention. Im so excited and i rarely buy anything that works this well. His hair came out so easliy and in such large amounts it was like a magic trick. I think he is less mad at me after the brushing cause the trip to the vet office mad him mad as hell!! If you have hairy shedding cats or dogs, im telling you this is awesome. They are sold online or at the vet clinics.

Health care despair

O.k, for two days now my cat Alex has been acting odd. When i go to the bathroom he always parks himself in front of me as its a perfect opportunity for me to pet him, but yesterday , instead of looking to be petted, he was squatting over my floor vent. I wondered what the hell he was doing since no urine was coming out and after i was thru being shocked, i thought maybe he likes the air blowing on his private parts, so i didnt know whether to be more suprised that my cat was a pervert or that he was trying peeing in my vent. Later when i saw him try it again, it finally dawned on me that he has a urinary tract infection and since i had one several weeks ago, i could easily feel his pain. Let me add, my cat is my best friend and never pees outside his box so that is why i was so dumfounded at first. I mightadd that i was a vet tech before nursing school, so i feel especially stupid. So i made a veterinarian appointment and , after a thorough exam, my vet determined he did indeed have a bladder infection and gave me antibiotics, and gave alex a shot for comfort. While i sat there waiting for him to treat Alex, i though back how yesterday my boyfriend had called me upset about his doctors visit. Alberto has high blood pressure and high cholesterol and i have been closely monitoring his pressure and writing it down for his doctor. I have spent lots of time explaining the dangers and the need to stop smoking , clean up his diet and take medicine for his pressure. So he made an appointment,took his notebook with the pressures i recorded and went off to visit his doctor who is from India. Alberto called me shortly after telling me the doctor took his 50.00 dollars, told him his pressure was fine, ( like 198/89) is ok, he didnt need pills to stop smoking and to come back if he felt sick, which was the very reason i sent him. He had bad headaches every morning and felt sick at times so i started eliminating all the things it could be and finally hit upon his hypertension. He is a walking timebomb for a stroke and this idiot told him he was fine. I called his nurse and explained that i worked at the number one stroke center in the state and unless things had changed in the last 4 months, the stroke conference i attended taught me he is a prime candidate for a stroke as he has all the risk factors , and did they not look at the pressures i recorded, or take a health history from this man? I was incredulous that they were so inept. I explained that if they werent going to treat him , refund his 50.00 dollars and ill take him somewhere else. Needless to say after that conversation and then a followup one from his boss who used to be a physicians assisstant, i think that doctor realized, he wasnt dealing with some poor dumb immigrant and he gave him his medicine and apologized.I think his boss threat to sue if Alberto stroked or died might have helped,lol, but at least i didnt have to show up in that office and make an ass of myself, so for now all is well with Alex and Alberto . So in the vets office i pondered how it was easier to get my cat treated well, (vet took good health history, did physical exam, gave shot for pain, and antibiotics, and drained bladder , took urine specimen) all for the same amount of money alberto paid to have one immigrant blatantly try to rip off another. How does this crap happen is what i want to know. Anyway both are in vigilant hands for now.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hot Latinos and toilet seats

This is my boyfriend and his nephew Manuel who is like his son. I have grown to love them both and will occasionally share some tales of language, age , and cultural barriers. This weekend i spent with them and enjoyed it . When we are all together we end up laughing so much. I had to explain to them both that the numero una rule for dating American women is alway put the toilet seat down. They faithfully complied all weekend so we will see how long that lasts,lol, but like most men im sure it wont. I had a big laugh when Alberto showed me some photos of himself when he was younger and he was amazingly handsome and i told him he was HOT. he said, NO I THINK I WAS IN MIAMI, THAT IS WHY MY FACE IS SO RED,lol, i explained in America, Hot , means Guapo, or handsome and we all laughed. Here are photos of Alberto and Manuel. Because we each have varying degrees of language capability, it makes it interesting when we talk and sometimes very funny.

My favorite blogs

I am posting the links to several of my favorite blogs which i faithfully read everyday , especially in the mornings after getting home from the hospital, it relaxes and entertains me. Hope you enjoy them as much as i do and apologies to La Gringa because she got me started on Fabi and Married to the Mexican. I initially found her blog after doing some research when i started dating a man from Guatemala. I love her observations of life in Honduras !! I admire Fabis tenacity in a country where she is looked down upon for being a beautiful original and i applaud the courage to face the immigration issues that Married to the Mexican goes thru. La Gringa's Blogicito, La Gringa Mas Bella: Married to the Mexican!, Diary of a Third World Fashionista Part II

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Gorilla Glue

O.K., one thing i learned tonite is that when the label on Gorilla glue says to use gloves, dont get this on your skin or clothes as product will discolor skin and ruin clothes, they are not exagerating in the least.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Vaction Trauma

Well, first and foremost this is my vacation and my first foray into my very own blog!!! im new to this so bear with me. It will get better i promise although, i tend to be a lazy ass typist. I intend to post about my life here in Kentucky and about my job as a trauma nurse, ( THERE ARE SOME GRUESOME TALES TO BE TOLD THERE). I want to reflect on the absudities of life and ventilate while trying to occasionally entertain and shock the reader.

I wish this is where i was right now, but finances dictate that i will be at home this summer for my time off, maybe later in the year if i work hard and be a good girl.