Monday, May 12, 2008

Dia De Madre and Tortilla Gringa

I spent the weekend with my Hispanic familia and since the church was having a Mothers day celebration, i helped with some of the preparations. Albertos nephew Jerry came over with his wife and baby son Brandon and the men prepared the food for the church dinner. I tried to help with the tortilla making since so many had to be made but i think all i succeded in doing was making them laugh. They use a tortilla press but when i tried to show them how i had learned when living in Texas years ago , i was a sad failure,lol. I learned from a friends mother who made the mix herself and so using my hands to pat out the tortillas, i learned that Maseca is not the same consistency as homemade dough, so i ended up making dough fly everywhere and in making the boys laugh hysterically at the gringas attempts. I named the tortillas i made Tortilla Gringa. When i tried to use the press, i made them too thin and tore them removing them form the plastic, but after some attempts, i started getting better at it and less entertaining for the boys. At church sunday morning , Alberto and his nephews sang a Guatemalan song about mothers and they were very good !! Most church members are from Guatemala, a few from Mexico and one lady is from Honduras. Hardly anyone spoke to me from shyness im hoping, but the lady pictured in the black top is Esmerelda and she was very gracious to me and i liked her immediately. I snuck in this picture while the church photographer had the ladies pose. After, they were given beautiful red roses and all the men served the women and cleaned up afterwards!!! The food was delicious but my favorite was Albertos rice. Im huge rice fan and it was so good, i proposed to Alberto but i think he failed to take me seriously,lol. One thing i have to add, is that after the sermon, which was in Spanish with English translations for my benefit, i realized i have never seen a more meaningful and heartfelt dedication to mothers . I was pleasantly suprised to see that i was able to follow along with most of the sermon even though my Spanish is not so good. All in all, it was a good weekend. Sorry about the bunched up pictures, ill have to learn how to seperate them . Hope EVERYONE HAD A GOOD WEEKEND!!


chicadedios25 said...

Looked like a wonderful dia de la madre for ustedes. que bien. I myself have tried to tortilla endevour and failed miserably. It is fun to learn though and each time I get a little closer to getting the drift. All I need now is a stinking tortilla press. Where in the heck do you think I could get one of those at?

dedmond979 said...

Well the boys say the mexican stores usually sell them and im guessing they mean the mexican grocery stores. i need one too,lol, i make too big a mess otherwise. hope things get better with you and C. i read your blog every day. we still need to hear about the ghosts.

LaGringaMasBella said...

I have tortilla presses in my online store, hint-hint, just click la tienda.

As for making tortillas, well it took me awhile. I don't like the metal tortilla presses at all. I have a wooden one that looks like it's been through hell cuz it has!

I don't have the wooden ones I don't think but they are easy to make. I'll have to post a pic of mine when I get my camera repaired.

It looks like you took part in a really nice Mother's Day celebration. Mom is very important in Latin America.

You didn't mention much about the proposal, girl what happened? What did he say ... don't leave me hanging because it sounds juicy! lol

-Lisa :-)