Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My favorite blogs

I am posting the links to several of my favorite blogs which i faithfully read everyday , especially in the mornings after getting home from the hospital, it relaxes and entertains me. Hope you enjoy them as much as i do and apologies to La Gringa because she got me started on Fabi and Married to the Mexican. I initially found her blog after doing some research when i started dating a man from Guatemala. I love her observations of life in Honduras !! I admire Fabis tenacity in a country where she is looked down upon for being a beautiful original and i applaud the courage to face the immigration issues that Married to the Mexican goes thru. La Gringa's Blogicito, La Gringa Mas Bella: Married to the Mexican!, Diary of a Third World Fashionista Part II


LaGringaMasBella said...

Am I the first to comment on your new blog?! I hope so. I can't wait to read about your life ... hot boyfriend by the way. ;-)

You learned the hard way about the gorilla glue too I see. lol

I'll be back to see how you're coming along.

-Lisa :)