Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mothers Day with much sympathy

I just spent the evening with my son Justin and his fiance Stacy. She cooked dinner and is an awesome cook, so when she said she was making chicken and dumplings, i quickly agreed to go over. While i was there she gave me several gifts for Mothers day and my son gave me a card that he signed in green crayon,lol, which makes me love it all the more considering he is almost 26 years old. Im lucky i get one every year because he wouldnt remember if it wasnt for Stacy . I started laughing while at their house because every year Mothers day makes me remember my favorite card he gave me when he was about 18. He went on his own and bought it which suprised me becuase he is a typical man and doesnt remember that stuff so , when he gave me the card i was suprised and proud that he remembered Mothers day. When i opened the card, it was a Sympathy card that he signed , HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, LOVE JUSTIN. I asked him why he bough a Sympathy card and he shrugged and said, ITS ALL THEY HAD, lol, I love it and its my favorite card. So funny that he gave me that card like he was sorry i had to be his mother,lol.


LaGringaMasBella said...

That's hilarious! I busted out laughing when I read 'that's all they had', poor Justin. At least he really tried. That's just too cute though.

You know I'm raising lil men too so I don't know what my future Mother's Days hold but I'll roll if one of 'em pulls that on me.

Happy Belated Mother's Day!!

-Lisa :-)

La Gringa said...

That is FUNNY! "That's all they had." Guys. What can you say?

dedmond979 said...

Its so inappropriate how can you not love it,lol? He is a man thru and thru,lol....